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Simply fill out the form below to confirm your participation in MIREC-ENDO Phase 2. Your local coordinator will soon be in touch to answer all your questions and confirm the next steps for you and your family. While we have invited you, your MIREC child and the father, it’s important to note that each of you decides individually whether or not to participate. We will be happy to have one, two or all three of you join Phase 2.

We thank you in advance for your important contribution to MIREC and for your commitment to bettering the health of millions of people living in Canada!

MIREC-ENDO: a critical
milestone for the MIREC Research Platform

Many have observed that puberty is beginning earlier and earlier, especially in girls. The reason for this trend remains unclear. Some suggest diet and body weight are potential factors, while others think environmental chemicals may play a role. This is precisely what MIREC-ENDO is trying to understand.

Why are MIREC
families best suited for
this research?

MIREC families were followed through pregnancy (MIREC) and critical periods of child development (MIREC-ID and MIREC-CD Plus). These data from earlier periods will contribute to a better understanding of what may affect early or delayed puberty, the children’s growth and their metabolic health (MIREC-ENDO).

Metabolic health is determined by a number of factors that tell us how our body is using energy and how well our heart is working.

Questions and answers

Yes! All MIREC families are invited to participate in Phase 2. The only prerequisite is that you participated in the original MIREC study (2008-2011).

We want to make participating as easy as possible for you and your family. Like in our previous follow-up studies, there will be some questionnaires (which can be filled out at home!), some physical measurements and the collection of biological specimens from your MIREC child.

Yes, you or your child can decide to skip some parts and only do for example the questionnaires. We accommodate our participants’ busy schedules and appreciate what they can provide to this research.

We listened to your feedback and have cut down the length of the visit at our clinic. In Phase 2, this visit will take approximately 1 hour of your time.

Make a difference by
joining MIREC-ENDO
Phase 2 today

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